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University Eye Hospital Svjetlost

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Svjetlost is the leading ophthalmology Clinic in the Southeastern Europe, offering complete ophthalmic services.

What to do when you detect glaucoma in the initial stage of pregnancy?

What to do when you detect glaucoma in the initial stage of pregnancy?
Eye pressure drops are initial therapy. For most of the patients, it is lasting and effective therapy. Nevertheless, non-invasive, non-harmless, further lowering eye pressure laser treatment can be done. 
"Madam, you have higher eye pressure and a glaucoma. " Imagine you heard these words at the ophthalmologist's examination. After you recover from the initial surprise because you are only 28 years old no one in your family has this problem as far as you know, you start thinking rationally. The fact is, you are in first month of your pregnancy. You have countless number of questions in your head. “What will happen to me and my baby now?” 

Consultation with the ophthalmologist will convince you and quickly calm you down. Nothing bad will happen to you or your baby. The ophthalmologist -glaucoma expert will give you a few facts about this disease:
  1. Glaucoma is an eye disease that is not necessarily accompanied with higher eye pressure. It’s much more common with older ages, but younger population isn’t excluded either.
  2. If not treated, it may lead to decrease of visual field and loss of vision as the ultimate outcome.
  3. Fear is justified, but it should be known that glaucoma can be controlled under adequate therapy. In the case of this, like other diseases, fear is a great ally that pushes the patient to regularly take therapy and go to doctor on a regular basis.
  4. Eye pressure drops are initial therapy. For most of the patients, it is lasting and effective therapy. Nevertheless, non-invasive, non-harmless, further lowering eye pressure laser treatment can be done. The surgical procedure is the furthermost way of treating glaucoma.
What to do in pregnancy if you suffer from glaucoma?

The vast majority of people were at least once in a position to take some medication. If you read the instructions, you will always see a paragraph concerning pregnancy and breastfeeding. Every pharmaceutical company always shows great caution when using medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The most common recommendation is not to take medication in these situations. 

However, this is not always possible. What about the eye pressure drops for treating glaucoma during pregnancy or breastfeed? It’s very important to know that eye pressure is lower during the pregnancy, which opens a possibility to reduce number of droplets to minimum possible. Also, it’s advisable to undergo laser treatment and try to completely eliminate therapy during pregnancy. However, if dripping is necessary, ophthalmologist will prescribe least harmful droplets to you and your unborn child. Stage of pregnancy should be considered because therapy adjusts by trimesters and is not the same from the begging until the end of pregnancy.  Same goes for breastfeed, because infant can get the minimum amount of medication by breastfeeding.

So, dear future moms, there is no fear. Only a little caution is needed, and your pregnancy will be in fine, same as breastfeeding. What’s equally important, eye pressure will be under control. This will give you the most precious feeling in your first contact with your child – a calming and warm look.  

Dr. Morena Gavrić, subspecialist for glaucoma