Klinika Svjetlost

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Specijalna bolnica za oftalmologiju Svjetlost

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Specijalna bolnica za oftalmologiju Svjetlost vodeća je oftalmološka ustanova u regiji koja pruža kompletnu uslugu.
dr. Ivan Gabrić

dr. Ivan Gabrić

  • Uže područje rada: lasersko skidanje dioptrije, tretmani keratokonusa i personalizirani tretmani rožnice laserom kao što su distrofije rožnice
  • Specijalist oftalmologije
  • ivan.gabric@svjetlost.hr


Dr. Ivan Gabrić završio je Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je na temu utjecaja refraktivne kirurgije na slabovidnost kod odraslih pacijenata. Usavršavanja na području laserske kirurgije oka obavljao je u prestižnim centrima u SAD-u i Njemačkoj.

Područje rada

Doktor Gabrić imao je znatno drugačiji put od većine kolega, prvi puta se susreo s laserskim skidanje dioptrije još kao dijete u dobi od 9 godina kada je njegov otac, prof. dr. sc. Nikica Gabrić donio tehnologiju za lasersko skidanje dioptrije iz Japana davne 1998. godine. Od tada je fasciniran tehnologijom koja omogućava pacijentima da nakon samo nekoliko minuta dobiju novi, bolji pogled na svijet, što je bio razlog da i sam postane liječnik koji se danas bavi refraktivnom kirurgijom. 
Od 2012. godine aktivno sudjeluje u radu refraktivnih kirurga i planiranju laserskih korekcija vida. Proveo je nekoliko godina surađujući s američkim liječnicima koji su radili na razvoju metoda za napredne površinske metode. Jedan je od rijetkih liječnika koji imaju osobno iskustvo korištenja triju najčešćih platformi za skidanje dioptrije VISX S4 IR, Wavelight Allegretto te Schwind Amaris.
Izvodi zahvate crosslinkinga na MLase CCL-365 i Avedro KXL uređajima.
Prošao je specijalnu edukaciju u Schwind Eye Tech Solutions za planiranje personaliziranih zahvata laserske korekcije.

Uvođenje novih metoda

Doktor Gabrić veliki je zagovornik ranog crosslinkinga kod keratokonusa te refraktivnih metoda u kombinaciji s crosslinkingom prema standardnim, ali i novim protokolima za liječenje kao što je Tel-Aviv protokol.

Konferencije i seminari


Chicago, Kanada
AAO Annual meeting

1. From Surface to Surgery: A Case-Based, Interactive and Hands-on Guide to Corneal Tomography and Topography in
Anterior Segment Surgery
2. Comparative Analysis of Ease of Lenticule Removal and Visual Outcomes Across Different Optical Zones After a
Lenticule Procedure With the Elita Syst
3. Ocular Wavefront Analysis Of A Novel Intrastromal Lenticular Procedure - Silk
Seoul, Južna Koreja
Schwind Atos simpozij

Barcelona, Španjolska
42 ESCRS kongres

1. Intricacies related to Low Dose and excellent visual outcomes using the ATOS Femtosecondlaser 2.
2. POSTER ID PO787 Use Of Presbymax Reversal For Advanced Keratoconus Managment In Patients Using The Schwind
3. POSTER ID PO796 Zagreb Protocol - A Combined Guided T-Prk And Cxl Protocol For Treatment Of Low Visual Acuity
4. POSTER ID PO1158 World Record In Low Dose Laser Induced Optical Breakdown For Keratorefractive Lenticule
Extraction (Klex) Procedure On Schwind Atos Femto Second Device - 354 Mj/Cm2
5. POSTER ID PO1166 Ocular Wavefront Analysis Of A Novel Intrastromal Lenticular Procedure - Silk - Interim Report
6. POSTER ID PO213 Off-Label Use Of Edge Cut Only Function On Schwind Atos To Convert Caps Flaps For Enhancement
After Klex
7. PREZENTACIJA ID ESCRS24-VID-4265 Comparison Of Klex Dissection At 4 Dose Levels - 750, 600, 450 And 350 Mj/Cm2
8. Comparative Analysis Of Ease Of Lenticule Removal And Visual Outcomes Across Different Optic Zones After A
Lenticule Procedure With The Elita System
9. Micro-Aberrations Scattering Index (Masi) A Novel Parameter On Cso Osiris-T As A Predictor Of Visual Acuity And
Contrast Sensitivity After Keratorefractive Laser Procedures
10. The new SMART SIGHT platform and its character
Prag, Češka
AECOS Europe

1. Micro Aberration Scatter Index. A Novel Way to Objectively Measure Quality of Vision After Keratorefractive Surgery
2. Extreme Low-Dose Lenticular Extraction - Exploring the Limits of Laser Induced Optical Breakdown using Schwind ATOS
Ljubljana, Slovenija

1. Outlook of two new lenticule platforms: Johnson&Johnson ELITA and Schwind ATOS 

Zagreb, Hrvatska
15. CSCRS kongres

Organizator, predavač, moderator 


Istanbul, Turska

1. First European Experiences with a New LE Laser (ELITA™) 

Zagreb, Hrvatska

14. kongres “Novi trendovi u oftalmologiji”
Predavač, moderator, operater

Ljubljana, Slovenija
Refractive congress on topic of Presbyopia

Predavač i moderator
Milano, Italija

European Results of a Novel Lenticular Procedure
1. The Cataract Surgery With Implantion Of The Add-On Intraocular Lenses On A Pseudophacic Eye For Refractive
Correction And Mfiol On The Other Eye With A Presenile Cataract Can Result With Visual Acuity 100%
2. Corneal Refractive Surgery Effects On Adults With Amblyopia - A Case Series Of 44 Patien
3. The Effect Of Static Cyclotorsion Compensation On Refractive And Visual Outcomes Using The Schwind At Laser
Platform Using Ocular Wavefront Analysis
4. Comparison Of Rotational Stability Between Zeiss At Lisa 939 And Synergy Toric Ii For Correction Of Anisometropia
With Astigmatism And Presbyopia
5. Predicting Post-Operative Intraocular Lens (Iol) Tilt Using Preoperative Optical Biometry Data And A Machine Learning
6. Use Of High Resolution Anterior Segment Oct And Confocal Corneal In-Vivo Microscopy For Difficult Cases
7. Use Of Ocular Wavefront Guided T-Prk For Treatment Of Corneal Scar 11 Years After Injury - Ucva From Cf To 20/25 In 30 Seconds
8. Use Of Ptk To Treat Advanced Type Ii Corneal Dystrophy (Avellino)
9. Topographic Changes After Smartsight With The Schwind Atos Femtosecond Laser System

Amsterdam, Nizozemska

Femto LASIK Flap creation on a new femtolaser platform
Las Vegas

Presbyopia Correcting IOLs and Laser Corneal Refractive Surgery
Johnson & Johnson Vision Webinar on Advanced PCIOL use

Schwind EyeTech Solutions for advanced personalized laser correction procedures



  • Komercijalizacija inovativnih usluga Retina Lux i Dioptrija Lux inovacijom poslovanja i
  • poslovnih procesa Specijalne bolnice Svjetlost
  • Istraživanje i razvoj dvije inovativne usluge - dijagnosticiranje i liječenje okularne neuropatije
  • Komercijalizacija inovativne usluge Cornea Lux


The Impact of Standard Cross-Linking on the Corneal Optical Density-Age Relationship in Keratoconus After Mechanical Stripping of the Epithelium
Maja Bohac, Fanka Gilevska, Alma Biscevic, Ivan Gabric, Kresimir Gabric, Sudi Patel

Comparative Analysis of the Clinical Outcomes of Two Toric Presbyopia-Correcting Intraocular Lenses
Ophthalmol Ther.
Gabrić K, Gabrić N, Piñero DP, Gabrić I.

First European results of a new refractive lenticular extraction procedure-SmartSight by SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions.
Eye (Lond).
Gabric I, Bohac M, Gabric K, Arba Mosquera S.

Predictability of the Achieved Lenticule Thickness in Keratorefractive Lenticule Extraction for Myopia Correction
J Refract Surg.
Bohač M, Gabrić I, Gabrić K, Jagić M, Arba Mosquera S

Comparison between the change in total corneal astigmatism and actual change in refractive astigmatism in transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy (tPRK), laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and femtosecond laser assisted laser in situ keratomileusis (FsLASIK).
Eur J Ophthalmol.
Bohac M, Biscevic A, Shijakova V, Gabric I, Gabric K, Patel S.

A critical evaluation of longitudinal changes of astigmatism following implantation of toric implantable collamer lens (TICL): a comparison between treated and untreated cases over 4 years
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.
Bohac M, Biscevic A, Gabric I, Gabric K, Shijakova V, Patel S.

Predicted and Measured Changes in Posterior Corneal Astigmatism after Uncomplicated Femtosecond Assisted LASIK (FsLASIK) and Microkeratome LASIK Correction for Myopia and Low Astigmatism
Semin Ophthalmol.
Bohac M, Biscevic A, Gabric I, Gabric K, Shijakova V, Patel S.

Clinical Outcomes With a New Continuous Range of Vision Presbyopia-Correcting Intraocular Lens
J Refract Surg.
Gabrić N, Gabrić I, Gabrić K, Biščević A, Piñero DP, Bohač M.

Vector Analysis of Visual Acuity and Refractive Outcomes of Astigmatic Corrections After T-PRK and Fs-LASIK
Acta Inform Med.
Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Pandurevic B, Sofic-Drino V, Gabric I, Kovacevic D

Enlarged Foveal Avascular Zone after Whiplash Injury-Acquired Berlin's Edema
Case Rep Ophthalmol.
Drača N, Cerovski B, Lazić R, Kovačević D, Gabrić K, Gabrić I.

Pachymetry and Elevation Back Map Changes in Keratoconus Patients After Crosslinking Procedure
Med Arch.
Pjano MA, Biscevic A, Grisevic S, Gabric I, Salkica AS, Ziga N.

Kliničke studije

This study will be a 3-phase, 12-months, prospective,single arm, multicenter, open-label, non-comparative, clinical investigation conducted at up to 7 sites. Up to 20 subjects will be enrolled in phase I, up to 30 subjects in phase II, and up to 200 subjects in phase 3 to achieve up to 350 treated eyes.
Poveznica https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04200898?locn=Svjetlost Eye Clinic&rank=1
  • IIS Rotational Stability of Two Toric IOLs for Presbyopia Correction
To evaluate and compare the clinical outcomes of two toric presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses (IOLs).
Non-randomized prospective comparative study including 86 eyes of 51 patients (age 43-83 years) that underwent cataract surgery with implantation of one of the following two IOLs: TECNIS Toric Synergy (Johnson & Johnson Vision) (Synergy group) or AT LISA tri toric 939MP (Carl Zeiss Meditec) (ATLISA group). Visual and refractive outcomes were evaluated during a 6-month follow-up
  • EMEA201910 Post Market TECNIS Synergy (ZFR00V) study on patient satisfaction and visual analysis
(Pre op, Day 0, Post op, etc.) 5 times, , preop workup, 1-day follow-up, 1-week follow-up, 1-month follow-up, 3- month follow-up
- Spectacle independence questionnaires
- Patient Satisfaction (CATQUEST 9SF)
- Visual acuity for far, intermediate and near corrected and incorrected (ETDRS charts for far (4 m), intermediate (66 cm) and near (40 cm) distance)
- Defocus curve (ETDRS) up to 33cm - Mesopic BCVA and DCNVA (ETDRS) - Low contrast CDVA (25%) - Adverse events - Photic Phenomena (McAllinden)
  • Randomized Comparison of two different OLS with Schwind ATOS
•Comparison old laser system (F486) with new laser system (F101)
•Difference: F101 newlens in OLS
•Objective: Comparison performance and safety

•Blinding of the surgeon i.e. lasering performed by another physician, lenticule removal by Ivan Gabric without knowledge of which laser system the patient comes from
•Data: Post-op UCVA, Rating of ease of separation (0 to 5)
•Statistics: median, mode, Mann-Whitney Test

Članstvo u organizacijama

  • CSCRS Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  • ESCRS European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery AAO
  • American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • ISRS International Society of Refractive Surgeons
  • Kera-net Cornea Society Discussion Group